Research Projects
Area: Thermal and Fluids
Research Line: Transport Phenomena and Energy
Research Projects:
Analysis of the development of thermal and hydrodynamic profiles in boundary layers
Start Date: 02/01/2020
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
In 1904, Ludwig Prandtl (1875-1953) introduced the concept of the boundary layer approximation. Prandtl’s idea is to divide the flow into two regions: an external flow region that is inviscid and/or irrotational, and an internal flow region known as the boundary layer - a very thin layer of flow near a solid wall where viscous forces and rotational effects cannot be ignored. In the external flow region, continuity and Euler’s equations are used to determine the velocity field of the flow, and Bernoulli’s equation is used to determine the pressure field. Alternatively, if the external flow region is irrotational, potential flow techniques (e.g., superposition) can be employed to determine the velocity field. In either case, the external flow region is solved first, followed by the adjustment of a thin boundary layer in regions where rotational effects and viscous forces cannot be neglected. Within the boundary layer, the boundary layer equations are solved. The boundary layer approximation corrects a deficiency in Euler’s equation by allowing the imposition of the no-slip condition at solid walls, enabling the appearance of viscous shear forces along walls. Bodies immersed in a free stream can experience aerodynamic drag, and the separation of flow into regions of adverse pressure gradient can be predicted more accurately. Note that while we discuss boundary layers in connection with the thin region near a solid wall, the boundary layer approximation is not limited to flow regions bounded by walls. The same equations can also be applied to free shear layers such as jets, wakes, and mixing layers, provided that the Reynolds number is sufficiently high for these regions to be thin. Even in the absence of a solid dividing wall, regions of flow fields with significant viscous forces and finite vorticity can be considered as boundary layers. In this project, the goal is to evaluate the friction coefficient (Cd) and the convective coefficient (h) both in the entrance region and in the developed flows, along with their implications on shear stresses and heat fluxes.
Numerical analysis of power and refrigeration cycles
Start Date: 02/01/2020
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
The organic Rankine cycle is presented as a technological alternative with significant growth potential for low-temperature heat recovery, particularly for electricity generation. The application of this technological route at scales below 2 MW and/or to heat sources with temperatures below 200°C provides organic Rankine cycles with advantages over other thermoelectric energy conversion technologies.
Numerical analysis of flows using finite volume technique with control volume formulation
Start Date: 02/01/2020
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
Differential analysis involves applying differential equations of fluid motion at every point in the flow field over a region called the flow domain. The differential technique can be understood as the analysis of millions of tiny control volumes stacked side by side and on top of each other, occupying the entire flow field. In the limit, as the number of tiny control volumes tends to infinity and the size of each control volume approaches a point, the conservation equations simplify by taking a set of partial differential equations that are valid at any point in the flow. Solving these differential equations provides details at each point throughout the flow domain regarding velocity, mass density, pressure, etc. For a three-dimensional incompressible fluid, there are four unknowns (velocity components u, v, w, and pressure P) and four equations (one for mass conservation, a scalar equation, and three from Newton's Second Law, vector equations). The equations are coupled, meaning some variables appear in all four equations; therefore, the set of differential equations must be solved simultaneously for the four unknowns. Additionally, boundary conditions for the variables must be specified at all boundaries of the flow domain including inlets, outlets, and walls.Furthermore, if the flow is unsteady, the solution needs to be extended over time as the flow field varies. Additionally, these equations may need to be combined, when necessary, with additional equations such as an equation of state and an equation for energy and/or species transport. Unfortunately, most differential equations encountered in fluid mechanics are very difficult to solve and often require the assistance of a computer. The finite volume method with control volume formulation, introduced in 1970 by McDonald, MacCormack, and Paullay, is based on obtaining conservation equations through balancing the rate of change of quantities within the control volume and their fluxes through the control surface. The resulting partial differential equations (PDEs) are in conservative form, meaning that conservation of each quantity transported by the fluid occurs within each control volume. A discretization method is used on the PDEs, resulting in a set of algebraic equations that are solved by a linear solution algorithm, such as the TriDiagonal Matrix Algorithm (TDMA). Modern engineers apply both experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analyses, and they complement each other. For instance, engineers may obtain global properties such as lift, drag, pressure drop, or power experimentally, but use CFD to gather details about the flow field, such as shear stresses, velocity and pressure profiles, and flow streamlines. Experimental data are used to validate the numerical solution of the differential equations, comparing the calculated global quantities from the computational method with experimental determinations. This research line focuses on the numerical solution of partial differential equations using the finite volume method with control volume formulation.
Analysis, modeling, and simulation of thermo-fluid dynamic and energy systems
Start Date: 08/05/2019
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
Within the field of Thermal and Fluids and the research line of Transport Phenomena and Energy, this project focuses on the application, implementation, and development of mathematical models, numerical methods, and simulations related to heat transfer, fluid flow, and fluid movement. It also involves the design and development of thermo-fluid dynamic and energy systems and equipment, along with the study of their efficiency and performance. Two main research objectives are interrelated: (i) analysis, modeling, and simulation of thermo-fluid dynamic and energy systems and equipment; and (ii) economic analysis of systems and equipment. Notable systems and equipment include heat exchangers, microturbines, gas turbines, internal combustion engines, solar collectors, cooling systems, fluid movement devices, hybrid systems, and energy storage.
Evaluation of turbulence models applied to fluid flows in engineering
Start Date: 02/01/2020
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
Turbulence is characterized by instantaneous fluctuations in velocity, temperature, pressure, etc., supposedly random such that, in practice, a statistical treatment is necessary to analyze the problem. The consequence of these fluctuations is an increase in momentum transport in flows, at rates much higher than those of molecular diffusion, determining the distributions of these properties in the flow field. Theories and concepts have been formulated to obtain a general description of the turbulence phenomenon; however, strictly analytical solutions are not feasible due to the complexity of turbulent flows. In an attempt to solve this problem, simplified models specific to each problem have been proposed for analysis. Some Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) calculations use a technique called Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), where an attempt is made to solve the non-steady motion of all scales of turbulent flow. DNS solutions require extremely fine, fully three-dimensional meshes, large computers, and a huge amount of CPU time. The next level below DNS is Large Eddy Simulation (LES). LES requires significantly fewer computer resources than DNS because it eliminates the need to resolve the smaller vortices in the flow field. The next lower level of sophistication is to model all non-steady turbulent vortices with some type of turbulence model. With this technique, large non-steady turbulent vortices are resolved directly, while small-scale dissipative turbulent vortices are modeled. By using a turbulence model, the steady Navier-Stokes equation is replaced by what is called the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equation (RANS). Turbulent flows have three basic characteristics that differentiate them from laminar flow. First, there is a flatter velocity profile due to greater fluid mixing, providing higher rates of momentum transport (several orders of magnitude) than those obtained by molecular diffusion. Second, turbulent flows are always dissipative, requiring continuous energy input to compensate for viscous losses in order to maintain the turbulent regime. Third, turbulence is a phenomenon that satisfies the continuum hypothesis, meaning that the scale of vortices found in these flows is much larger than the molecular length scale. The condition of random flow alone does not make the flow turbulent. In fact, if viscous losses are negligible, these flows are not turbulent. Examples of turbulent flows include flows in rivers, channels, pipes, chimney outlets, ship or aircraft wakes, atmospheric boundary layers, etc. This project proposes the application of various turbulence models to engineering problems, making qualitative and quantitative comparisons of the quantities involved in these processes.
Development of a process for co2 sequestration and conversion into value-added products
Start Date: 12/03/2018
Project Status: FINISHED
The steel industry is responsible for approximately 6.5% of total emissions and about one-third of industrial carbon emissions worldwide (PAULA, 2012). Of the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the sector, over 80% result from energy input (CARVALHO et al., 2015). Steel and pig iron production accounted for 6.2% of total energy consumption in Brazil in 2014 (EPE, 2015) and 43% of GHG emissions in Brazilian industrial processes in 2012 (BRASIL, 2014). Carbon dioxide (CO2) represents over 90% of GHG emissions in the steel industry. In addition to GHGs, the steel industry emits gases that contribute to acid rain and particulate matter. There is a significant opportunity for the introduction of the Fischer-Tropsch reactor to mitigate CO2 in the steel production process. The studies will be conducted both theoretically and experimentally using dedicated software and test benches. The goal is to establish partnerships with interested companies for resource acquisition.
Opportunities in energy systems and rational energy use
Start Date: 02/01/2016
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
(1) Analysis of Energy Systems: Focuses on the conceptual aspects of the operation of systems and thermal machines to characterize their thermodynamic modeling. Techniques such as thermoeconomic modeling (exergy concept, exergetic cost model, energy concepts, cost model involving the first law of thermodynamics) are presented. Research in this area contributes to the development of polygeneration thermal cycle design structures and the analysis of their operation/expansion. Aims to mitigate CO2 emissions, incorporate new technological routes into thermal cycles, include renewable fuels, and model environmental cost internalization. Encompasses the use of biofuels generated through thermal and biological processes from biomass, as well as hydrogen production for energy systems. (2) Advanced Cycle Analysis: Analyzes thermal cycles that outperform conventional ones in terms of energy and/or exergy efficiency. These advanced cycles exhibit lower emissions of chemical species and/or energy, reduced investment costs, lower operational costs, and/or specialized requirements for operation, along with increased reliability. Many of these cycles are currently in the development stage, requiring specific modeling and computational simulations to advance these concepts technologically. (3) Energy and Resource Planning: Currently focused on energy planning, this area analyzes the energy, economic, and environmental conditions associated with various elements used in industrial processes. Examples include the need to adapt steelmaking processes for sustainability, address public issues related to energy resources, and manage sanitation and urban solid waste disposal.
Use of renewable fuels in internal combustion engines
Start Date: 03/01/2016
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
This research project aims to study the use of biofuels (fuels derived from thermal processes involving biomass, hydrogen, among others) in internal combustion engines. The studies will be conducted both theoretically and experimentally using dedicated software and test benches. The goal is to establish partnerships with interested companies for resource acquisition.
Area: Materials and Manufacturing Processes
Research Line: Materials Characterization
Research Projects:
Utilization of Ore Fines
Start Date: 08/05/2019
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
Traditionally, ore extraction results in environmental liabilities that impact soil, riverbeds, and even respiratory health for people living near mining sites. Currently, environmental concerns have become even more relevant due to the problems caused by mining dam failures in Brazil. Several researchers have conducted studies to propose applications for ore fines and mining by-products. The Research Group on Ore Treatment and Residues has undertaken various projects using the sintering and pelletization processes with manganese and iron ore fines, equipped with laboratories and facilities for these studies. The group has received research grants from UFOP, FAPEMIG, CNPq, and VALE. These studies fall within the Materials Characterization research line of PROPEM. Undergraduate and graduate students from the Mechanical Engineering and Mining departments have actively participated in developing research related to these topics.
Development of Composite Materials
Start Date: 08/05/2019
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
Technological applications demand materials that exhibit increasingly combined characteristics, which often appear antagonistic in monolithic materials. Typically, higher values of mechanical strength are associated with relatively dense materials and lower toughness. However, the strict requirements of these characteristics have significantly diminished with the development of composites, expanding the range of properties and creating a generation of exceptional materials. Most often, the goal is to achieve both high mechanical strength and lightness. Metals are interesting materials for composite fabrication, especially when the reinforcement is particulate. Metallic matrices possess attractive features such as corrosion resistance, high mechanical strength, and fracture toughness. Aluminum matrix composites are widely used, and their main disadvantage is low wear resistance. This issue can be overcome by adding ceramic particles. Studies have been conducted using particulate reinforcements of ceramic materials and mineral residues, aiming for their application in aluminum matrix composites. Several works have utilized the sintering process. The Research Group on Ore Treatment and Residues has access to various equipment and laboratories for these studies. The group has received research grants from UFOP. These studies fall within the Materials Characterization research line of PROPEM. Undergraduate and graduate students from the Mechanical Engineering department have actively participated in developing research related to these topics.
Development of Metallic and Ceramic Materials
Start Date: 03/11/2021
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
Initially, humans relied solely on natural materials. Over the years, various techniques were developed, leading to the utilization of ceramics and various metals. Continuously, there is a need for the improvement of existing materials, solving application problems related to various materials, preventing material losses in manufacturing processes, recycling metallic materials due to high production costs, conserving energy in manufacturing and material utilization processes, etc. Therefore, this project aims to develop metallic and ceramic materials using various manufacturing techniques, heat treatments, addition of other elements, and characterization techniques. In addition to the equipment available at UFOP, the research group has laboratories equipped with various instruments for these studies. The group has received research grants from UFOP, FAPEMIG, CNPq, and VALE. These studies fall within the Materials Characterization research line of PROPEM. Undergraduate and graduate students will have the opportunity to work on various projects related to these topics.
Development of (Meta)Materials, Structures, and Systems for Acoustic and Vibration Control
Start Date: 01/01/2020
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
In this project, we focus on developing solutions for acoustic and vibration control through new materials and structures. We utilize analytical and numerical models (such as the finite element method) as well as experimental approaches. Additionally, we explore the interface between these domains, including experimental validation of numerical models, automatic control of structures and cavities, among other aspects. Our work involves developing metamaterials with artificially induced dynamic characteristics, such as negative refractive index and band gaps. We also create structural elements using passive or active methods. Furthermore, we investigate other mechanical systems for acoustic and vibration control.
Effect of Intercritical Austenitization Heat Treatments on Microstructure, Tensile Mechanical Behavior, and Corrosion of a Steel
Start Date: 02/01/2020
Responsible: Prof. Dr. GERALDO LUCIO DE FARIA
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
In this project, a comprehensive characterization of phase transformation kinetics in a steel for oil and gas industry applications will be conducted using physical simulations in a quenching dilatometer. Special attention will be given to the effect of intercritical austenitization on martensitic transformation kinetics. The goal is to propose a heat treatment design that allows the production of a dual-phase steel meeting the API 5CT L80 mechanical properties requirements for tensile strength. Additionally, the impact of different fractions of martensite and ferrite on the steel’s corrosion behavior will also be investigated.
Influence of Rolling Condition on Fracture Toughness of a High-Strength Steel
Start Date: 08/05/2019
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
This project aims to evaluate the influence of rolling conditions on the fracture toughness (measured via CTOD) of a high-strength steel. Two conditions will be assessed: controlled rolling and controlled rolling followed by accelerated cooling. Accelerated cooling processes in rolling mills induce additional microstructural changes in the rolled material compared to materials subjected to controlled rolling alone.
Microstructure-Properties Relationship of Aluminum Alloys and Stainless Steels Manufactured by Additive Manufacturing
Start Date: 02/01/2020
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
Additive Manufacturing by Arc Deposition (AMAD) is a manufacturing process in which an electric arc is used as a heat source, and material is deposited layer by layer to create a component. This technology gained prominence with the popularization of 3D printing and Industry 4.0. The growing market demonstrates a trend toward the use of various raw materials, including metallic components. According to several reports, it is estimated that this market will surpass 30 billion dollars by 2024. Despite the direct transition from CAD to manufacturing, resource optimization, and successful component examples, certain factors still limit the widespread application of this process. Notably, anisotropy in mechanical properties and the application of fracture mechanics concepts play a role in evaluating fracture toughness and fatigue resistance of the material. This project aims to study the microstructure and mechanical properties of metallic alloys manufactured by additive manufacturing. It evaluates the influence of heat treatment on the fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth of a 2XXX series aluminum alloy fabricated using the arc deposition process. Additionally, it investigates the effects of deposition path in the arc deposition process on the fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth of an austenitic stainless steel of AISI 302 type. This project can contribute to material characterization and expand the range of possibilities for applying additive manufacturing products.
Relationship Between Processing Route, Microstructure, and Properties of Metallic Alloys
Start Date: 02/01/2020
Responsible: Prof. Dr. GERALDO LUCIO DE FARIA
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
This research project aims to establish an interface for research and development between Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, with a focus on investigating the effects of manufacturing routes on the microstructural evolution and final mechanical properties of metallic components. Depending on the type of metallic component to be manufactured, various manufacturing routes can be employed, including principles of casting, hot mechanical forming, cold mechanical forming, machining, welding, heat treatments, and sintering, among others. Each of these processes, either individually or in combination, significantly alters the microstructure and mechanical properties of the component, which undoubtedly affects its performance in service. In the context of the Postgraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering, it is highly relevant to open a research front that aims to relate various effects of material processing routes commonly used in Mechanical Engineering to microstructural evolution and properties. The goal is to optimize the performance of components not only based on their geometric functionality but also through metallurgical suitability of processes, precisely obtaining desirable characteristics for producing high-performance metallic components with added value.
Reproduction of Wear Mechanisms in Laboratory Chute Plates
Start Date: 01/01/2021
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
The mining industry is one of the most important sectors in Brazil. Equipment is exposed to various forms of contact with ore, leading to different wear mechanisms. Transfer chutes, in particular, experience both abrasive and impact wear simultaneously. However, reproducing this combination of wear mechanisms in a laboratory setting is challenging. Several techniques are employed, but reproducing the micromechanisms of wear remains difficult. Consequently, selecting appropriate materials for chute plates is complex due to the intricate interplay of wear factors.
Abrasive Wear Resistance of Tribological Coatings
Start Date: 01/01/2021
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
Coatings deposited by techniques such as Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) and others have been used to enhance wear resistance in severe contact conditions across various tribological systems. Characterizing these coatings through microabrasion tests, scratch tests, microhardness, and indentation overlap is essential to ensure their integrity and desired performance.
Investigation of the Influence of Metallurgical Processing of Metal Alloys on Microstructure and Properties
Start Date: 10/16/2023
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Clarissa Barros da Cruz
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
This project is an initiative linked to the postgraduate program in mechanical engineering, in the field of metallurgy and materials engineering. The central objective of this study is to comprehensively and systematically investigate how different metallurgical processing methods applied to metal alloys influence both the microstructure and the final properties of these materials. Throughout the research, processing methods such as casting/solidification and heat treatments are explored in ferrous and/or non-ferrous alloys. Fundamental parameters, such as cooling rate, growth rate, and thermal gradient, are analyzed to understand their direct impact on the microstructure formation of these alloys. Advanced characterization techniques, such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM/EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and chemical analyses (e.g., XRF), are employed to evaluate the resulting microstructure, including grain size, microstructural spacing, phase identification and distribution, and potential structural defects. Additionally, mechanical tests (tensile and hardness tests) and corrosion tests (electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and potentiodynamic polarization) are conducted to understand how changes in microstructure directly affect the mechanical and corrosive behavior of the analyzed alloys. The results obtained from this study not only contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge in the area of metallurgical processing and microstructural characterization of metal alloys but also allow for an in-depth understanding of these relationships, corroborating the development of alloys with optimized properties for specific applications, such as in the automotive, aerospace, energy, and manufacturing sectors, thereby driving innovation and competitiveness in the metal materials market.
Reprocessing and Use of Waste from the Mining and Metallurgical Sector
Start Date:
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Margarida Márcia Fernandes Lima
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
Minas Gerais is a major producer and exporter of mineral raw materials and is among the national leaders in iron ore and ornamental rocks (granite, quartzite, slate, soapstone, and others). However, with the high demand for iron ore products, coupled with increasingly lower-grade ores, concentration methods are necessary to meet the specifications for the steel industry (98% of total production). The mass recovery of these ores is approximately 50%, which implies a large volume of deposited tailings. In the case of ornamental rocks, it is estimated that approximately 83% of this material is discarded as waste. Another extensively mined ore in the past, now primarily consisting of depleted deposits in the state, is manganese ore, with a huge volume of environmental liabilities stored over more than 100 years. About 90% of the manganese ore produced is destined for the production of manganese ferroalloys (which also generate tailings) and are consumed by the metallurgical sector. Therefore, the objectives of this project are both the reprocessing of these mining and metallurgical sector tailings, which can enable increased metal recovery or the production of by-products, and the incorporation of these materials with good properties into the construction materials sector.
Research Projects:
Analysis of Torque and Interface Temperature Between Chip/Tool as a Function of Cutting Tap Geometry Modifications
Start Date: 02/01/2018
Responsible: Prof. Dr. IGOR CEZAR PEREIRA
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
This project aims to evaluate how changes in the inclination angle and rounding radius of the main cutting edge influence axial force, torque, and temperature during internal threading with a cutting tap.
Study of Temperature and Heat Distribution in the Workpiece, Tool, and Chip During Orthogonal Cutting
Start Date: 02/01/2018
Responsible: Prof. Dr. IGOR CEZAR PEREIRA
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
This project aims to measure the temperature in the workpiece, chip, and chip-tool interface as a function of cutting speed, depth of cut, and workpiece material during orthogonal cutting. Another objective is to determine the heat distribution in the affected regions based on the various presented variables.
Chip Formation: A Dynamic Analysis
Start Date: 02/01/2020
Responsible: Prof. Dr. IGOR CEZAR PEREIRA
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
This project aims to identify and study the phenomena related to chip formation using dynamic signals (vibration and acoustic emission). The primary objective is to detect the formation of the built-up edge through vibration and/or acoustic emission signals.
Additive Manufacturing by Arc Deposition (AMAD)
Start Date: 08/05/2019
Responsible: Prof. Dr. IGOR CEZAR PEREIRA
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
This project aims to investigate the phenomena and their influences during the deposition of different materials using the additive manufacturing process by arc deposition (AMAD) in the MIG/MAG mode.
Dynamic Modeling and System Identification in Machining Processes
Start Date: 02/01/2018
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
Excessive vibrations during machining processes lead to undesirable effects, including compromised surface integrity of the machined part, limitations in dimensional accuracy, premature tool wear, and excessive noise. This project aims to comprehend the dynamic phenomena involving machine tools and develop techniques to minimize these effects. The approach involves numerical and experimental modeling, vibration/noise monitoring, and the development of auxiliary vibration reduction systems.
Energy Recovery Based on Vibrations for Sensor Power Supply
Start Date: 02/01/2020
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
The use of sensors in unconventional or restricted-access locations requires specific criteria for power supply. Monitoring a remote device or embedding a sensor in a rotating element, such as a tool, falls within these demands. This project aims to develop energy recovery systems based on the relative motion between parts of a mechanical system using piezoelectric and/or electromechanical elements for sensor power supply. Such systems can be used in remote monitoring units or embedded in rotating or moving elements, thereby reducing or even eliminating the need for battery replacement and replacing conventional wired power supply.
Wear of Cutting Tools
Start Date:
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Igor Cezar Pereira
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
The objective of this research is to identify and study the wear mechanisms in different tool materials and coatings across various machining processes.
Individual Projects:
Study of the Dynamic Behavior of Mass-Spring-Damper Systems with Nonlinear Restorative Forces
Start Date: 01/01/2023
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Ronilson Rocha
Project Status: IN PROGRESS
This research analyzes the dynamic behavior of mass-spring-damper systems with nonlinear restorative forces, commonly used to predict and evaluate the effects of complex oscillation patterns, including periodic, subharmonic, and chaotic oscillations, multifrequency and broadband excitations, bifurcations, and other phenomena. These studies have applications across a wide variety of real-world scenarios, such as pendulum motions, oscillators, vibrations in beams or cables, the impact of seismic movements, ocean currents and winds on physical structures, the dynamics of piezoelectric generators and shape memory alloys, plasma physics, soliton theory, optics, nonlinear circuits, magnetoelastic mechanical systems, and other scientific areas. Since springs generally exhibit similar behavior under compression and tension, nonlinear restorative forces are characterized as generic odd nonlinearities described by polynomial series functions to achieve an improved description of the actual motion dynamics. This approach has not been extensively researched, and only a few studies have detailed the dynamic behavior of Duffing oscillators with cubic-quintic and cubic-quintic-septic restorative forces. This study is initially developed using computational simulations, and eventually, a prototype will be implemented to validate the theoretical investigations.